Episode 7 (2)

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The horse pulling the wagon snorted and flipped its mine with a flick of its head. “He knows his wife loves to bicker, but he tries to stop her anyway. That’s why he’s not happy.”

“What was that?” the driver asked as he reached into a sack by his side and pulled out a carrot. “Were you hungry, Brownie?”

The horse snorted again and reached around with its head, biting onto the carrot. “Delicious. Ah, I love this job. I get fed for insulting the driver. What an idiot.”

Khrx laughed and slapped the driver’s back. He leaned past the driver seat and pulled out a few carrots, holding them in the crook of his elbow. “The horse just called you an idiot,” Khrx said as he retreated back into the wagon with his orange loot. He took a bite out of a carrot and stiffened. “Glegh! This tastes like dirt! Is your tongue working properly, you dumb mule?”

The wagon jolted to a stop. The horse turned around and glared at Khrx. “Who are you calling a dumb mule!?”

“I’m calling you a dumb mule, you stupid oaf!” Khrx tossed aside the carrots and reached into the mage’s bag, pulling out a muffin. “Eat this and tell me your orange crap-sticks don’t taste like mud!”

The horse caught the flying muffin with its mouth. It chewed once, and its eyes bulged. “Amazing! What the hell!? They should’ve been feeding me this the whole time!”

“Is, is he talking to the horse?” the mage asked Lorin.

“B-Brownie?” the driver asked. “Are you upset?”

“Khrx can talk to animals,” Lorin said. She noticed the hunger in the mage’s eyes and pulled Khrx into her lap. She wrapped her wings around him as well, hiding him from the mage’s sight. “Stop staring at him like that!”

“I’m going on a strike!” Brownie said, stamping his hooves before laying on his stomach.

“B-Brownie?” The driver’s mouth fell open at his horse’s actions. He grabbed his horsewhip and nudged Brownie’s rear a few times. “Get up, Brownie.”

Brownie snorted and closed his eyes. A stinging sensation on his flank caused him to jump and cry out. “You whipped me! I can’t believe you whipped me!” The whip flashed again. “Ow! Alright, alright! I’m going!” The reins groaned as the wagon lurched forward. “You dumb, cute, bearlike creature, I’ll have my revenge one day.”

Khrx opened his mouth, but he was smothered by Lorin’s arm. Despite that, his voice still rang loud and clear through the horse’s head. “In your dreams!”

“Y-you’re telepathic!?” Brownie shouted, his ears stiffening and pointing towards the sky. He dashed forward, causing the driver to shout as he almost fell out of his seat. “My ma always told me to avoid telepaths! They’re always up to no good.”

“What’s going on with Brownie today?” the driver asked as he held down his cap with one hand, his other hand on the reins.

The mage pulled the curtains on the back of the wagon aside. She shouted at the convoy that was falling behind, “Keep up! I’m not paying you to slack!” She dropped the curtains and faced Lorin. “Who are you two?”

“Shouldn’t you have asked that before you invited them on?” the driver asked. He shut up and focused on the road once the mage pinched his waist.

“My name is Lorin Nirol, a fallen angel of Jax,” Lorin said. She still refused to uncover Khrx with her wings. “And my companion is Khrx’Lrvnjl. He can speak to animals because of his good relationship with Fiel. We are heading south towards Swift’s Peak.”

“Are you affiliated with anyone?” the mage asked. “I’m Monika. This is my husband, Nelson. He’s the head of the Golden Crow Merchants.”

“We’re just travelers,” Lorin said. Khrx popped his head out from between her wings, black feathers sticking out of his hair. “Khrx has people he wants to see at Swift’s Peak.”

Monika turned and patted her husband’s shoulder. “Shall we go to Swift’s Peak, dear?”

“But, honey,” Nelson said, keeping his eyes on the road, “didn’t we agree to return after trading with the Tribish?”

“We can’t let Khrx journey to Swift’s Peak all on his lonesome,” Monika said. “Look how vulnerable he is.”

“Excuse me?” Lorin asked. “He’s not alone.”

“How about it, little Khrx?” Monika asked, ignoring Lorin. She smiled and offered Khrx an apple. “Do you want to travel with us to Swift’s Peak? I can protect you much better than she can. Aren’t you tired of eating raw meat around her?”

“You’ll bring me all the way to Swift’s Peak and feed me too?” Khrx asked. Half the apple was already gone, juices running down his chin. “Let’s travel together!”

Monika beamed. “See, dear? Khrx wants us to take him,” she said. “We can’t disappoint him. He’ll be heartbroken.”

“Kill me now,” the horse said with a whimper. “I have to journey with a telepath? What if he invades my mind and takes me over?”

Khrx tilted his head. Could he do that?

“Don’t even think about it!” Brownie said, increasing his speed. “Ah! You already thought about it! Get out of my head!”

Nelson sighed. “I see you already made up your mind, honey. I hope the journey there will be profitable at least.”

“Try rubbing his feet,” Lorin said, offering Khrx towards the driver. “He’s like a rabbit. It’ll bring good luck.”

Nelson stared at Khrx. “A-are you sure?”

Khrx nodded his legs dangling in the air. “It’s not like I lose anything.”

Nelson gave Khrx’s foot a squeeze. “Is that enough?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Khrx said, and Lorin brought him back into her lap.

“So we’re really traveling together?” Monika asked, a smile on her face.

[The real leader of the Golden Crow Merchants, Monika, wishes to become your companion. Do you accept? Y/N. Warning: Monika and Lorin despise each other. Who knows what will happen in the future between them if you accept?]

“Yes.” Khrx pressed Y.

[Congratulations! Monika and her husband have become your companions.]

Monika grinned and sat next to Lorin, pulling Khrx away from her. “Let me show you my status. I bet it’s a lot higher than hers.”

[Name: Monika Akinom]
[Title: Hidden Leader of the Golden Crow Merchants]
[Strength: 4]
[Constitution: 6]
[Intelligence: 233]
[Spirit: 32]
[Dexterity: 4]
[Perception: 18]
[Charisma: 6]
[Luck: 324]

[Active Skills: Lightning Bolt (C), Chain Lightning (U), Lightning Storm (R), Lightning Field (R), Mana Shield (C)]
[Passive Skills: Lightning Mastery – Elite (U)]

[Companions: Nelson Akinom, Khrx’Lrvnjl]

“Impressive, right?” Monika asked, tilting her head to look down on Lorin. “This aunty is an elite magician. Even kings have to pay their respects to me.”

Lorin exhaled through her nose and turned her head away. She’d have to figure out a method to regain her strength. Her most problematic title, [Betrayer of Jax], had to be removed somehow. Maybe Khrx could ask Bongle to figure out a way?

“What about his stats?” Khrx asked, pointing at Nelson.

“He’s completely average,” Monika said. “Don’t worry about him. Let me see yours.”

Khrx opened his status as well as Lorin’s.

Monika’s eyes bulged, nearly falling out of her head. “1,000 [Spirit]…! And 1,000 [Luck]!” She hugged Khrx to her chest. “Say, are you the secret child of a god by any chance? Maybe the Sun God since you’re his apostle?” Monika sighed before he could respond. “If I had 1,000 [Spirit], I could become a master magician, maybe even a legendary magician. …It’s a shame about your intelligence though. Don’t worry; I’ll protect you from everything. And intelligence can be increased through study. But to think you’d start from one…”

“Is 200 a lot?” Khrx asked.

“It’s beyond genius,” Lorin said. “Even the magicians amongst the angels have upper limits of 150. But her spirit is really low, which is a shame. It prevents her from casting higher end spells even if she can formulate them.”

“I’ve picked up an amazing companion?” Khrx asked.

“Don’t be surprised,” Lorin said, grabbing Khrx and bringing him into her lap. She ignored Monika’s glare. “After all, you already obtained the best companion in the world, me.”

“I could fry you with a flick of my finger,” Monika said, narrowing her eyes at Lorin. Her hair waved as mana danced through her body.

“Khrx likes me more.”

“Guh.” Monika’s expression darkened before a smile blossomed on her face. “Khrxy, don’t you like me more than her?”

Khrx shivered upon hearing his new nickname. “Don’t call me that!”

Lorin beamed. “See?”

“And you, unhand me!” Khrx crawled out of Lorin’s grasp and sat next to Nelson. He sighed and shook his head, his tail swishing behind him. “Life’s difficult when you’re too cute.”

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